Tuesday, June 10, 2014
I'm actually on a time limit here, my mom wants me in bad and I got five minutes so I'm typing as much as I can so I can tweet and stuff. My science project today was fun, we tested gums in coke to see if they react like mentos do. It was interesting, and very sticky. :) We had a reaction to every one, which was unexpected and good. Overall, I think we got a good grade, but I'm not sure. So ya. If you want to know mor ebaout my life, look t my last post it's soooooo long and comment. I love comments, and I reply to them! I don't get them very often, so when i get one I'm thrilled. :) So ya. Baiiiiiiii!!!! I like saying Hi hai and bye bai, or typing it, because it's just something I do, like typing so ya and stuff. So ya. See ya!
Monday, June 9, 2014
Life is treating my like a bagel. I'm sorry, I'm just not good with these metaphors and similes. I don't get why it's even like a bagel. Maybe it's the hole. I might have a hole in my body eventually. XD So I don't really have a lunch each day... (I buy lunch when I can.) but one of my friends offer me something small, or something, or a birthday treat, that's kind of what I depend on each day to get buy. I'm used to being hungry, but playing soccer at the end of the day what hard because I had barely any energy. Oh well. At least I eat breakfast. It's not like I'm trying to forget my lunch, it's just I have to make it, and I always forget, or when I do remember it's like 30 seconds before the bus comes. And on twitter, I like chatting, like with my friend Leo, or Ethan, or someone who plays animal jam (A good game I play.) So I played a game where you just play games and chat, and so here's what happened. I have pictures, but my cropper isn't working so, I can edit this post and show them tomorrow. Anyway, someone girl said they were twelve, and I said same here. (I shouldn't give out my age.) and then they asked me if I've ever been on a date and asked me out after she said hi and had a little conversation. O.O Luckily, another user, said why would you ask that, and that go that taken care of. I don't know why someone twelve would just ask hat because we're the same age. And I've been playing a Game called Gamestar mechanic way to much. I'm q1zx on that, and Animal Jam, and Poptropica, and everything. Except twitter. (It's impossible to find a four letter twitter username that's available.) So ya. And my grades actually aren't bad, all A's except Math which is a B-. Math was my strong subject up till Sixth Grade. ⅞ math is really tricky, but I get by. In Eng Tech, our group was working on something, until one of the people just said This is taking too long!" and destroyed it and we got a little agitated. I'm also trying to avoid someone, which is not that hard, but it seems that they are everywhere. So ya, my life isn;t as horrible has some people's, but I think I'm thinking really hard when I'm just walking to class, or going to bed. So ya. My life is kind of boring/excited. I wish there was more riddles or mystery to it, that's what I'm actually pretty good at. But there are not to many mysteries out there. And I've heard most of them. I think. I'm not sure. Anyway, tomorrow I have a science project to do with my group in front of the class, and I'm prepared, but I'm not sure how it's going to turn out. I mean, we've got everything, but it's confusing. We have four 2 liter bottles of Diet Coke. Then we got Mentos, Mentos chewing gum, Trident gum, and some ice cubes gum. Then we are going to test the reaction of the three gums with the diet coke to the mentor reaction. I doubt the trident gum will do anything, but you never know. So ya. I'm just going to keep typing about my life. I've been going to bed later lately, and I'm not sure why. I guess I just lose track of time, I usually go to bed at nine. Now I'm getting up at six thirty or six forty. I used to get up at five thirty. Lol. But it's not making much of a difference. So we also have an end of the year test in math, and we get three days to do it. I know the material, I just haven't practiced. I studies for a half hour, but I see that's not enough. I need an that hour for other things, so it's getting tricky. The test is on everything, so we had to study sixteen units, and if you missed a unit it's hard to some problems. So ya. So this is my life, and I've been thinking about it. A lot. Oh, and we get a party in Science if we have no missing assignments. None. So what's going on is in our class we are missing one or two assignments, but that person, or those people, might want to do it because I don't mine missing the party. (I'll still be disappointed, though.) But if they let down the class everyone will be mad, so I don't know what's going to happen. I guess we'll just have to watch and see. Everything's being wrapped up for the summer. I'm going to miss 6th grade. It was actually fun, and I have a lot of friends in fifth grade. (At our school they pair up grades into classes, like third and fourth and fifth and sixth.) So ya. That's my life. I'm getting sent away to a bunch of summer camps this summer, and I hope I get some time to relax. The next year sounds like a tricky one, and lot sand lots and lots of more homework to do. Ugh. We also have to read a book about King Arthur over the summer and answer some questions. It's written in old english, so it sounds a little confusing. I hope it's interesting, at least. So ya, I don't know what my life will bing next, but I hope it says positive, or mostly positive. So ya. I like saying so ya. It's like a little catchphrase, and it's in most of my writing! And tweets. You can look through them. I think I've said so ya already a lot in this post, though. Oh well. It's getting kind of late, and I still have to fill out a permission slip and write a check. Then I can get them both signed and go on the end of the year field trip. It seems interesting, bowling and roller skating. I wish it was ice skating. I've barely been ice skating, but I can do it without falling at a reasonable speed, and it's enjoyable. I can do any 360s or go really fast though. I never get to do it though. Roller skating seems different. I wonder if it feels like ice skating. It sounds tricky. And it sounds easy. I wonder what it'll be like. I wonder why I'm typing this much. I don't usually type this much or this long. I guess I got absorbed. That's weird. Normally I just want to do this quick so I have time for other things, but I guess I just kept typing. I don't really like writing, I like typing. And I type pretty fast, and I can type medium slow without looking at the keys, but I can type fast with looking at the keys. So ya. I'm going to miss 6th grade. Using computers, the schedule, and I could just go on. So ya. I'm using tech a lot, but I think I'm going to barely use it next year. This year my teacher is really high tech, and I have to say, I enjoy that. WindowXP. The ne computers are good, but these ones are just easier. You don' have to learn anything to use it but how to use the mouse, and start menu, and I think you're good, and that's really easy to learn. I heard the school is going to get rid of them, so I hope they do something good with them. MacBooks are good, but it seems they always lose battery. Oh well, I'll just see what happens. So ya, know I have to go write that permission slip and check so see you. Please comment. Bon voyage! -q1zx :) Shine on!
Saturday, June 7, 2014
Gamestar mEchanic
I am getting really addicted to a game called Gamestar Mechnic, and online game where you can share, create, review, comment, rate, and play games. It's awesome. I'm q1zx, and I am pretty good, and on most of the time. So ya. If you play plz follow me. And if you tell me to follow you in a comment, I will. If you don't, I would play. It's really fun, and I enjoy it. And lots of people do to. They also have contests, and special things, and it's free. You can buy stuff, but most of it's free. I haven't bought anything, and I'm pretty good and have gotten one of my games on the game alley first page. XD. It's soooo fun! So please try it if you haven't Baiiiiiiiiiii!!!
Friday, June 6, 2014
Claim: In the story Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, Victor is trying way too hard to get Teresa, a girl he likes.
Have you ever tried too hard for something? Victor did this on the first day of seventh grade, the main setting of the book Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, where he tried too hard to get Teresa to like him on the first day of school.
It's the first day of school, and Victor is looking around for Teresa, trying to impress her, and thinking about her the whole day. It's the first day of school! It's not like he has one or two days to get her. He's trying to hard! If he does this everyday he's going to get exhausted! It's not going to end well. He's too young for this I think. I mean, he's not going to get her the first day. It's going to take time! I know sometimes everyone might have a crush, no matter what gender, but it's just the first day.
He's desperate. To impress Teresa, he lies that he knows fluent french, and gets himself on the very edge of complete embarrassment. It's not really worth that. He's trying to hard! To get Teresa to like him, he took a HUGE risk of being embarrassed and never getting her for the rest of the year!! He's wants it so bad that he's willing to risk everything and I think he will do any amount of work for her love. Some people are that way. "People will sometimes try too hard."
Victor's thinking about Teresa to much, and sucking up his own time doing it. When his teacher asks him to say a person, he immediately says, "Teresa!" And then everyone knew he liked her. He couldn't think of anyone but him, so he said that. He's always looking for her and thinking about her. Like during recess he looks around until he sees her under a tree. He's kind of desperate. He's just starting the year. I guess some people really want that and they need to have a girlfriend or boyfriend NOW. Not later, NOW. I guess that happens a lot.
None the less, Victor is trying too hard. And he will probably not get Teresa for a while.
Have you ever tried too hard for something? Victor did this on the first day of seventh grade, the main setting of the book Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, where he tried too hard to get Teresa to like him on the first day of school.
It's the first day of school, and Victor is looking around for Teresa, trying to impress her, and thinking about her the whole day. It's the first day of school! It's not like he has one or two days to get her. He's trying to hard! If he does this everyday he's going to get exhausted! It's not going to end well. He's too young for this I think. I mean, he's not going to get her the first day. It's going to take time! I know sometimes everyone might have a crush, no matter what gender, but it's just the first day.
He's desperate. To impress Teresa, he lies that he knows fluent french, and gets himself on the very edge of complete embarrassment. It's not really worth that. He's trying to hard! To get Teresa to like him, he took a HUGE risk of being embarrassed and never getting her for the rest of the year!! He's wants it so bad that he's willing to risk everything and I think he will do any amount of work for her love. Some people are that way. "People will sometimes try too hard."
Victor's thinking about Teresa to much, and sucking up his own time doing it. When his teacher asks him to say a person, he immediately says, "Teresa!" And then everyone knew he liked her. He couldn't think of anyone but him, so he said that. He's always looking for her and thinking about her. Like during recess he looks around until he sees her under a tree. He's kind of desperate. He's just starting the year. I guess some people really want that and they need to have a girlfriend or boyfriend NOW. Not later, NOW. I guess that happens a lot.
None the less, Victor is trying too hard. And he will probably not get Teresa for a while.
Thursday, June 5, 2014
Claim: In the story Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, Victor is trying way too hard to get Teresa, a girl he likes.
Have you ever tried too hard for something? Victor did this on the first day of seventh grade, the main setting of the book Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, where he tried too hard to get Teresa to like him on the first day of school.
It's the first day of school, and Victor is looking around for Teresa, trying to impress her, and thinking about her the whole day. It's the first day of school! It's not like he has one or two days to get her. He's trying to hard! If he does this everyday he's going to get exhausted! It's not going to end well. He's too young for this I think. I mean, he's not going to get her the first day. It's going to take time!
He's desperate. To impress Teresa, he lies that he knows fluent french, and gets himself on the very edge of complete embarrassment. It's not really worth that. He's trying to hard! To get Teresa to like him, he took a HUGE risk of being embarrassed and never getting her for the rest of the year!! He's wants it so bad that he's willing to risk everything and I think he will do any amount of work for her love. Some people are that way. "People will sometimes try too hard."
Victor's thinking about Teresa to much, and sucking up his own time doing it. When his teacher asks him to say a person, he immediately says, "Teresa!" And then everyone knew he liked her. He couldn't think of anyone but him, so he said that. He's always looking for her and thinking about her. Like during recess he looks around until he sees her under a tree. He's kind of desperate. He's just starting the year. I guess some people really want that and they need to have a girlfriend or boyfriend NOW. Not later, NOW. I guess that happens a lot.
None the less, Victor is trying too hard. And he will probably not get Teresa for a while.
Have you ever tried too hard for something? Victor did this on the first day of seventh grade, the main setting of the book Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, where he tried too hard to get Teresa to like him on the first day of school.
It's the first day of school, and Victor is looking around for Teresa, trying to impress her, and thinking about her the whole day. It's the first day of school! It's not like he has one or two days to get her. He's trying to hard! If he does this everyday he's going to get exhausted! It's not going to end well. He's too young for this I think. I mean, he's not going to get her the first day. It's going to take time!
He's desperate. To impress Teresa, he lies that he knows fluent french, and gets himself on the very edge of complete embarrassment. It's not really worth that. He's trying to hard! To get Teresa to like him, he took a HUGE risk of being embarrassed and never getting her for the rest of the year!! He's wants it so bad that he's willing to risk everything and I think he will do any amount of work for her love. Some people are that way. "People will sometimes try too hard."
Victor's thinking about Teresa to much, and sucking up his own time doing it. When his teacher asks him to say a person, he immediately says, "Teresa!" And then everyone knew he liked her. He couldn't think of anyone but him, so he said that. He's always looking for her and thinking about her. Like during recess he looks around until he sees her under a tree. He's kind of desperate. He's just starting the year. I guess some people really want that and they need to have a girlfriend or boyfriend NOW. Not later, NOW. I guess that happens a lot.
None the less, Victor is trying too hard. And he will probably not get Teresa for a while.
Monday, June 2, 2014
Animal Poem
Jumping like a Hackney,
Meowing like a Siamese,
Barking like a Shepard,
Spotted like a Leopard,
Running like a Squirrel,
Swimming like a Turtle,
Digging like a Fox,
Shaking like a Cattle Ox,
Grazing like a Zebu,
Swinging like a Baboon,
Hopping like a Hare,
Stalking like a Black Bear,
Eaten like a Shrimp,
Hairy like a Chimp,
Swooping like a Crow,
Galloping like a Doe,
Stinging like an Eel,
Pumping like Seal,
Talking like Man,
Swinging like Orangutans,
Spouting like a Whale,
Hiding like Sea Snail,
Quacking like a Duck,
Charging like a Male Buck,
Quiet like a Swan,
Soft like a Fawn,
Honking like a Goose,
Clomping like a Moose,
Floating like a Bat,
Digging like a Meerkat,
Chewing like a Dog,
Honking like a Hog,
Flying like a Cockatoo,
Galloping like like an Ewe,
Eating like a Loon,
Running like a Raccoon,
Buzzing like a Bee,
Flicked out like a Flea,
Hidden like a Gnat,
Running like a Rat,
Vicious like a Dino,
Spikey like a Rhino,
Flying like an Auk,
Diving like a Hawk,
Slimy like a Slug,
Black as a Beetle Bug,
Meowing like a Siamese,
Barking like a Shepard,
Spotted like a Leopard,
Running like a Squirrel,
Swimming like a Turtle,
Digging like a Fox,
Shaking like a Cattle Ox,
Grazing like a Zebu,
Swinging like a Baboon,
Hopping like a Hare,
Stalking like a Black Bear,
Eaten like a Shrimp,
Hairy like a Chimp,
Swooping like a Crow,
Galloping like a Doe,
Stinging like an Eel,
Pumping like Seal,
Talking like Man,
Swinging like Orangutans,
Spouting like a Whale,
Hiding like Sea Snail,
Quacking like a Duck,
Charging like a Male Buck,
Quiet like a Swan,
Soft like a Fawn,
Honking like a Goose,
Clomping like a Moose,
Floating like a Bat,
Digging like a Meerkat,
Chewing like a Dog,
Honking like a Hog,
Flying like a Cockatoo,
Galloping like like an Ewe,
Eating like a Loon,
Running like a Raccoon,
Buzzing like a Bee,
Flicked out like a Flea,
Hidden like a Gnat,
Running like a Rat,
Vicious like a Dino,
Spikey like a Rhino,
Flying like an Auk,
Diving like a Hawk,
Slimy like a Slug,
Black as a Beetle Bug,
Diawy Entry
Dear Diary,
Yesterday seemed
like a really good night. Madam baked some delicious gingerbread with
nutmeg and cinnamon. I got two huge pieces. They were heaven. Along with
that I got some sweet milk, and it was really sweet. It was good to
have some extremely good food after a long time, so I tried to savor it.
The spices were really thick, and the milk has the sweetest flavor in
world. But it was soon gone. I went to bed, without any work to do! It
was a peaceful night, but I felt extra tired for some reason. That
night, I had a peaceful dream. I was on a Sandy beach with the moon
above and a map in front of me, very detailed, and i tried to find Ruth,
but then eels with giant amber eyes came out of the road of the map and
chased me into the water. I later woke up very late. Ruth was gone... I
was confused. Why had a slept so late? Madam would kill me, no doubt. I
ran around, looking for Ruth. "Ruth?" Where could she be? I soon asked
Becky, and it looked as if she had been crying. She hesitated, and then
triedto change the subject. I kept yelling... And it turns out Ruth was
gingerbread must of been drugged. I can't believe myself. I'll never
forgive myself! I asked Becky a million questions. And it turns out she
wen to Nevis. NEVIS!?!? Mama always told us of horrible things there. I
think she's gonna die! They'll work her to the ends if the earth! She
not gonna make it! But there was nothing I could do. I acted too far...
And what happened next. Madam happened. She's such a THIS PART OF THE
READERS. Now i'm writing this during the night. So after that she put me
to work, but I couldn't concentrate. So I got sent to court and I now
have an I branded on my cheek. 'It stands for insolence." Madam says. I
think of it as if it stands for Isabel. It's hurts like crazy to get
branded. It's like a burning fire of your cheek. It's cruel. So I don't
know what Madam will do with me now, she's mad. I don't know if I will
ever see Ruth again. But I'm determined. If Madam finds this I'm sold.
Or killed. They'll kill me like they did with that guy who tried to
murder me like George Washington. Hanged. It sounds cruel being hanged. The pain must be unbearable. That's sounds worse than getting shot with a gun. I wish I was back home, were Mama
could protect me with her ghost. I hate being a slave. Slaves are
treated as nice as a prisoner and it's not our fault. It's so THIS PART
FOR YOUNGER READERS. Some day, I hope I can change this. Anyway, I hope
Ruth's ok. She could have the meanest owner ever, or someone like Jenny.
I wish Jenny could of had us. It would be a better life than this. I
don't know how Ruth's gonna sleep without her doll. She left it here. I
wish I could like transport this to her or something. It's depressing. I
try not to think about it, but I can't help it. I can't let it bothe
rme though. Although throughout the regular day a barely saw Ruth, and I
only saw her in bed, it still feels different. The absence. Just
knowing she's ok would mend my heart back together. But I have no idea
where she is. I'm really mad at Madam, but the dumb thing is there's
nothing I can do. I hate being a slave! I don't have any friends. My
closest is Curzon, and I don't really see him.It's also a little hard to cooperate with him, because he calls me country. I don't really like that, and we didn't really get off to a good start. I am a little jealous though, because Master Bellingham seems nicer than Madam. Madam demands perfection, and she seems to only care about herself and how she looks. It must be a nice life being her. I wish I would go back home. Mama is probably on the shore, waiting for me to come back. I wish ghost could cross the water. If only Jenny had gotten us. That would be a good life. Getting good food everyday, and working in a way you know your owner cares about you. That would of been a good life. But now I'm here, and Mama's a whole world away.
Literary Essay
Claim: In the story Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, Victor is trying to hard to get Teresa, a girl he likes.
Introduction: Have you ever tried too hard for something? Victor did this on the first day of seventh grade, the main setting of the book Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, where he tried too hard to get Teresa to like him on the first day of school.
Reason One: It's the first day of school, and Victor is looking around for Teresa, trying to impress her, and thinking about her the whole day. It's the first day of school! It's not like he has one or two days to get her. He's trying to hard! If he does this everyday he's going to get exhausted! It's not going to end well. He's too young for this I think. I mean, he's not going to get her the first day. It's going to take time!
Reason Two: To impress Teresa, he lies that he knows fluent french, and gets himself on the very edge of complete embarrassment. It's not really worth that. He's trying to hard! To get Teresa to like him, he took a HUGE risk of being embarrassed and never getting her for the rest of the year!! He's wants it so bad that he's willing to risk everything and I think he will do any amount of work for her love. Some people are that way.
Reason Three: Victor's thinking about Teresa to much, and sucking up his own time doing it. When his teacher asks him to say a person, he immediately says, "Teresa!" And then everyone knew he liked her. He couldn't think of anyone but him, so he said that. He's always looking for her and thinking about her. Like during recess he looks around until he sees her under a tree. He's kind of desperate. He's just starting the year.
Conclusion: Victor tries too hard for Teresa, and he's probably going to have trouble this year, but have a good year none the less. I think he's going to get her eventually, but with a lot of trouble, and probably going to get her really early or late in the year. So ya.
Introduction: Have you ever tried too hard for something? Victor did this on the first day of seventh grade, the main setting of the book Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, where he tried too hard to get Teresa to like him on the first day of school.
Reason One: It's the first day of school, and Victor is looking around for Teresa, trying to impress her, and thinking about her the whole day. It's the first day of school! It's not like he has one or two days to get her. He's trying to hard! If he does this everyday he's going to get exhausted! It's not going to end well. He's too young for this I think. I mean, he's not going to get her the first day. It's going to take time!
Reason Two: To impress Teresa, he lies that he knows fluent french, and gets himself on the very edge of complete embarrassment. It's not really worth that. He's trying to hard! To get Teresa to like him, he took a HUGE risk of being embarrassed and never getting her for the rest of the year!! He's wants it so bad that he's willing to risk everything and I think he will do any amount of work for her love. Some people are that way.
Reason Three: Victor's thinking about Teresa to much, and sucking up his own time doing it. When his teacher asks him to say a person, he immediately says, "Teresa!" And then everyone knew he liked her. He couldn't think of anyone but him, so he said that. He's always looking for her and thinking about her. Like during recess he looks around until he sees her under a tree. He's kind of desperate. He's just starting the year.
Conclusion: Victor tries too hard for Teresa, and he's probably going to have trouble this year, but have a good year none the less. I think he's going to get her eventually, but with a lot of trouble, and probably going to get her really early or late in the year. So ya.
Friday, May 30, 2014
Criterion Breakdown!

Well, today I was doing a Criterion test, and I wrote too much and didn't get a score. It the red letters it says, this essay is longer than essays that can be accurately scored. Your essay must be within the word limit to receive a score. I wrote about 850 words, so be careful. So I think I write and type too much. I've been told that before. Like when i was supposed to rewrite the declaration of independence in my own words, the teacher said I over wrote. I can't believe it! A lot of people came over and everyone staring at me and my cheeks were flustered. All I remember is I was writing my fifth body paragraph and I had already finished everything else and I remember writing a metaphor and I spelled spaghetti wrong. And then I saw the message and Will and Grace and Cory looked and some people are even writing about this on their blog. I don't know what to say about this, I think it's pretty cool. I hope I got a five or six, but I don't know if I'll ever no my school or anyone will know my score. I'm blushing. My Joesph just gave me a six, and he didn't even look at my report. Heck, I could of just typed random stuff and got this score. So ya, I got a six out of six, and my fall was four and my winter was a three, so I guess I improved. I'm happy about that. :) It's something I can talk about that I actually did good on, I don't really get these thing happening to often. I feel like talking about it, but I'm not for some reason. So ya, this is pretty cool.
Thursday, May 29, 2014
Diary Entry
Entry B
Dear Diary,
Dear Diary,
Yesterday seemed like a really good night. Madam baked some delicious gingerbread with nutmeg and cinnamon. I got two huge pieces. They were heaven. Along with that I got some sweet milk, and it was really sweet. It was good to have some extremely good food after a long time, so I tried to savor it. The spices were really thick, and the milk has the sweetest flavor in world. But it was soon gone. I went to bed, without any work to do! It was a peaceful night, but I felt extra tired for some reason. That night, I had a peaceful dream. I was on a Sandy beach with the moon above and a map in front of me, very detailed, and i tried to find Ruth, but then eels with giant amber eyes came out of the road of the map and chased me into the water. I later woke up very late. Ruth was gone... I was confused. Why had a slept so late? Madam would kill me, no doubt. I ran around, looking for Ruth. "Ruth?" Where could she be? I soon asked Becky, and it looked as if she had been crying. She hesitated, and then triedto change the subject. I kept yelling... And it turns out Ruth was sold. Madam that THIS PART OF THE DIARY ENTRY HAS BEEN REMOVED DUE TO IT MIGHT BEING TO DESCRIPTIVE AND INAPPROPRIATE FOR YOUNGER READERS. The gingerbread must of been drugged. I can't believe myself. I'll never forgive myself! I asked Becky a million questions. And it turns out she wen to Nevis. NEVIS!?!? Mama always told us of horrible things there. I think she's gonna die! They'll work her to the ends if the earth! She not gonna make it! But there was nothing I could do. I acted too far... And what happened next. Madam happened. She's such a THIS PART OF THE ENTRY HAS ALSO BEEN REMOVED DUE TO IT BEING TO INAPPROPRIATE FOR SOME READERS. Now i'm writing this during the night. So after that she put me to work, but I couldn't concentrate. So I got sent to court and I now have an I branded on my cheek. 'It stands for insolence." Madam says. I think of it as if it stands for Isabel. It's hurts like crazy to get branded. It's like a burning fire of your cheek. It's cruel. So I don't know what Madam will do with me now, she's mad. I don't know if I will ever see Ruth again. But I'm determined. If Madam finds this I'm sold. Or killed. They'll kill me like they did with that guy who tried to murder me like George Washington. I wish I was back home, were Mama could protect me with her ghost. I hate being a slave. Slaves are treated as nice as a prisoner and it's not our fault. It's so THIS PART OF THE DIARY ENTRY HAS BEEN REMOVED DUE TO IT BEING DUE INAPPROPRIATE FOR YOUNGER READERS. Some day, I hope I can change this. Anyway, I hope Ruth's ok. She could have the meanest owner ever, or someone like Jenny. I wish Jenny could of had us. It would be a better life than this. I don't know how Ruth's gonna sleep without her doll. She left it here. I wish I could like transport this to her or something. It's depressing. I try not to think about it, but I can't help it. I can't let it bothe rme though. Although throughout the regular day a barely saw Ruth, and I only saw her in bed, it still feels different. The absence. Just knowing she's ok would mend my heart back together. But I have no idea where she is. I'm really mad at Madam, but the dumb thing is there's nothing I can do. I hate being a slave! I don't have any friends. My closest is Curzon, and I don't really see him.
SS Stuff
Entry B
Dear Diary,
Dear Diary,
Yesterday seemed like a really good night.
Madam baked some delicious gingerbread with nutmeg and cinnamon. I got
two huge pieces. They were heaven. Along with that I got some sweet
milk, and it was really sweet. It was good to have some extremely good
food after a long time, so I tried to savor it. The spices were really
thick, and the milk has the sweetest flavor in world. But it was soon
gone. I went to bed, without any work to do! It was a peaceful night,
but I felt extra tired for some reason. That night, I had a peaceful
dream. I was on a Sandy beach with the moon above and a map in front of
me, very detailed, and i tried to find Ruth, but then eels with giant
amber eyes came out of the road of the map and chased me into the water.
I later woke up very late. Ruth was gone... I was confused. Why had a
slept so late? Madam would kill me, no doubt. I ran around, looking for
Ruth. "Ruth?" Where could she be? I soon asked Becky, and it looked as
if she had been crying. She hesitated, and then triedto change the
subject. I kept yelling... And it turns out Ruth was sold. Madam that
of been drugged. I can't believe myself. I'll never forgive myself! I
asked Becky a million questions. And it turns out she wen to Nevis.
NEVIS!?!? Mama always told us of horrible things there. I think she's
gonna die! They'll work her to the ends if the earth! She not gonna make
it! But there was nothing I could do. I acted too far... And what
happened next. Madam happened. She's such a THIS PART OF THE ENTRY HAS
i'm writing this during the night. So after that she put me to work,
but I couldn't concentrate. So I got sent to court and I now have an I
branded on my cheek. 'It stands for insolence." Madam says. I think of
it as if it stands for Isabel. It's hurts like crazy to get branded.
It's like a burning fire of your cheek. It's cruel. So I don't know what
Madam will do with me now, she's mad. I don't know if I will ever see
Ruth again. But I'm determined. If Madam finds this I'm sold. Or killed. They'll kill me like they did with that guy who tried to murder me like George Washington. I wish I was back home, were Mama could protect me with her ghost. I hate being a slave. Slaves are treated as nice as a prisoner and it's not our fault. It's so THIS PART OF THE DIARY ENTRY HAS BEEN REMOVED DUE TO IT BEING DUE INAPPROPRIATE FOR YOUNGER READERS. Some day, I hope I can change this. Anyway, I hope Ruth's ok. She could have the meanest owner ever, or someone like Jenny. I wish Jenny could of had us. It would be a better life than this. I don't know how Ruth's gonna sleep without her doll. She left it here. I wish I could like transport this to her or something. It's depressing. I try not to think about it, but I can't help it.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Diary Entry
Dear Diary,
Yesterday seemed like a really good night. Madam baked some delicious gingerbread with nutmeg and cinnamon. I got two huge pieces. They were heaven. Along with that I got some sweet milk, and it was really sweet. It was good to have some extremely good food after a long time, so I tried to savor it. The spices were really thick, and the milk has the sweetest flavor in world. But it was soon gone. I went to bed, without any work to do! It was a peaceful night, but I felt extra tired for some reason. That night, I had a peaceful dream. I was on a Sandy beach with the moon above and a map in front of me, very detailed, and i tried to find Ruth, but then eels with giant amber eyes came out of the road of the map and chased me into the water. I later woke up very late. Ruth was gone... I was confused. Why had a slept so late? Madam would kill me, no doubt. I ran around, looking for Ruth. "Ruth?" Where could she be? I soon asked Becky, and it looked as if she had been crying. She hesitated, and then triedto change the subject. I kept yelling... And it turns out Ruth was sold. Madam that THIS PART OF THE DIARY ENTRY HAS BEEN REMOVED DUE TO IT MIGHT BEING TO DESCRIPTIVE AND INAPPROPRIATE FOR YOUNGER READERS. The gingerbread must of been drugged. I can't believe myself. I'll never forgive myself! I asked Becky a million questions. And it turns out she wen to Nevis. NEVIS!?!? Mama always told us of horrible things there. I think she's gonna die! They'll work her to the ends if the earth! She not gonna make it! But there was nothing I could do. I acted too far... And what happened next. Madam happened. She's such a THIS PART OF THE ENTRY HAS ALSO BEEN REMOVED DUE TO IT BEING TO INAPPROPRIATE FOR SOME READERS. Now i'm writing this during the night. So after that she put me to work, but I couldn't concentrate. So I got sent to court and I now have an I branded on my cheek. 'It stands for insolence." Madam says. I think of it as if it stands for Isabel. It's hurts like crazy to get branded. It's like a burning fire of your cheek. It's cruel. So I don't know what Madam will do with me now, she's mad. I don't know if I will ever see Ruth again. But I'm determined.
"And do not touch anything unless advised, we don't want the school sued by the Nuclear Power Plant... again." I feel all eyes staring at me. Ok, just a backup, that was an accident. I didn't mean to press that button. But I get the same talk over and over again about safety and things. Anyway, for sixth grade camp, we are going to camp in cabins over the weekend. We are going to get there Friday, and visit the Nuclear Power Plant Saturday. They have it eery year, and it's always in the same place since third grade. Its going to be horrible, because my best friend, Merd, can't go. And neither can my parents because when they saw I was leaving they are leaving for the Bahamas for the weekend. SO I'm basically stuck in the middle of a bunch of random strangers for a weekend. Yay! Not. So we were having our annual safety talk before we left. Everyone had there stuff and duffel bags, and let me just say, I have never seen so many pink pillows in my life. It's really weird. At this school everyone's really in there own little world. They really don't talk. Except me. I could go on all day about this... "And that's the end. Before we go to the buses, any questions?" No. No, as always. So we head to the buses all walking, silent. I wish we could spice up school a little sometimes. As we are heading, waiting for about thirty percent of us to go to the bathroom, we go on. I wish I had wheels on my bag, it would be easier... Oop! I forgot my sleeping bag. I run up to Mr. Bees. He's a kind of wide teacher who smells like bread and as a small dots of had around his face, and he always wears ties. He's kind of a dumb teacher though, and we sleep during that class. He doesn't really even notice even though. "Mr. Bees, I forgot my sleeping bag. Don't let the bus leave." "Ok." He just grunts and keeps waddling on. I run away. Five minutes later I'm back into the parking lot. But it's empty...
Top five post
My top five posts.
1. 10 cool facts
1. 10 cool facts
It was so much fun writing this post... Thinking of a already made facts I knew that were cool. My favorite fact is Gullible is a palindrome. He he.
That was fun writing about my first pet. His name is Charlie. I really love and enjoy him. I love a cactus... he he. But he's my pet, and I enjoy having one.
3. D N D N S N...
That was writing a few sentences in letters and numbers, inspired by the book C D B! It is very unknown, and old, but it is a book on sentences using only letter and numbers, like, L X & R N I R N D C-T. Alexander and I am in the city. I love that post.
4. Eyes that don't begin...
That post was a LONG one and I wrote about hwo girls can be evil. It''s really good. It also has hidden code about a hypothesis I had back then. It gives the same message as many posts throughout March, April, and the beginning of May. Feel free to look for them! It's really cool!
5. Tie between I edited my story, and Winter Dream day three.
5. Tie between I edited my story, and Winter Dream day three.
One is about a German Shepard life, and the other is about global warming in the south pole with two arctic wolfs. They are both really interesting. Please check them out, they are huge writing!!!
My Literary Essay
Claim: In the story Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, Victor is trying to hard to get Teresa, a girl he likes.
Introduction: Have you ever tried too hard for something? Victor did this on the first day of seventh grade, the main setting of the book Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, where he tried too hard to get Teresa to like him on the first day of school.
Reason One: It's the first day of school, and Victor is looking around for Teresa, trying to impress her, and thinking about her the whole day. It's the first day of school! It's not like he has one or two days to get her. He's trying to hard! If he does this everyday he's going to get exhausted! It's not going to end well.
Reason Two: To impress Teresa, he lies that he knows fluent french, and gets himself on the very edge of complete embarrassment. It's not really worth that. He's trying to hard! To get Teresa to like him, he took a HUGE risk of being embarrassed and never getting her for the rest of the year!! He's wants it so bad that he's willing to risk everything and I think he will do any amount of work for her love.
Reason Three: Victor's thinking about Teresa to much, and sucking up his own time doing it. When his teacher asks him to say a person, he immediately says, "Teresa!" And then everyone knew he liked her. He couldn't think of anyone but him, so he said that. He's always looking for her and thinking about her. Like during recess he looks around until he sees her under a tree.
Conclusion: Victor tries too hard for Teresa, and he's probably going to have trouble this year, but have a good year none the less. I think he's going to get her eventually, but with a lot of trouble. So ya.
Introduction: Have you ever tried too hard for something? Victor did this on the first day of seventh grade, the main setting of the book Seventh Grade by Gary Soto, where he tried too hard to get Teresa to like him on the first day of school.
Reason One: It's the first day of school, and Victor is looking around for Teresa, trying to impress her, and thinking about her the whole day. It's the first day of school! It's not like he has one or two days to get her. He's trying to hard! If he does this everyday he's going to get exhausted! It's not going to end well.
Reason Two: To impress Teresa, he lies that he knows fluent french, and gets himself on the very edge of complete embarrassment. It's not really worth that. He's trying to hard! To get Teresa to like him, he took a HUGE risk of being embarrassed and never getting her for the rest of the year!! He's wants it so bad that he's willing to risk everything and I think he will do any amount of work for her love.
Reason Three: Victor's thinking about Teresa to much, and sucking up his own time doing it. When his teacher asks him to say a person, he immediately says, "Teresa!" And then everyone knew he liked her. He couldn't think of anyone but him, so he said that. He's always looking for her and thinking about her. Like during recess he looks around until he sees her under a tree.
Conclusion: Victor tries too hard for Teresa, and he's probably going to have trouble this year, but have a good year none the less. I think he's going to get her eventually, but with a lot of trouble. So ya.
Tuesday, May 27, 2014
10 cool facts
Here are some amazing facts, ten of them!
- People are born as babies.
- If you drink ten gallons of poison, you might die.
- You are on this blog.
- It is proven driving your car into the ocean and sinking is not recommended.
- People who buy shoes USUALLY have feet.
- Gullible is a palindrome.
- It is easier to cross the street with your eyes open than shut.
- It is possible to jump of a cliff with no parachute. But only once.
- How to get rich: Steal a baby and return it for a reward. Repeat 3-5 times a day.
- If you walk to school you will have walked to school.
Monday, May 26, 2014
So ya today is Monday. I didn't post this weekend. I hope that since today is Memorial Day, it counts as the weekend since the weekend is extended. If it doesn't count, I guess that's not too bad since that will only be like the second time I've missed five minute writing. Anyway, I'm just typing. I heard that the average kid plays electronics each day for six hours. Six hours! I am only limited to playing my ipad mini thirty minutes a day. I think having an average life would be really fun for me. I mean, like, I have write my own checks even. Make lunches and so on. So ya. So now I don't know what to write about. I like having a good topic, sometimes I spend up to fifteen minutes thinking about it. I shouldn't do that, but I don't really like writing about my day. So ya. I mean, eventually I'll just stop if I take to long and write like, I don't know what to write about I'm just thinking and thinking... And so on. I like to put hidden code, and stuff in my posts. All the hidden code is about one thing. He he good luck finding that out. Oh well. So I'll keep typing. So... Did you know you swallow an AVERAGE of fourteen bugs in your sleep a year? It is unbelievable. Well, actually, it's pretty believable. But disgusting. They're probably really small, like not visible to the naked eye. I sounds weird. If they are things like ants and flies, I hope I don't wake up with one in my mouth. Then I would probably try to coughit out, and swallow it, and I don't want to swallow a live fly. A dead one wouldn't be as bad, because your not hurting anything. I don't want to hurt a fly. It's not his fault he was born that way, thinks that way, and is that way. He was just born that way, and he probably just ended up Ina mouth. Oh well. So I'll keep typing. I think you probably noticed, but did you notice how hot the sun is? I think practically everyone knows, but its REALLY far away, and we can still get a sunburn. We are lucky we are not too close or far from the sun. So ya.
Thursday, May 22, 2014
My artwork
So drawing is getting a little more serious for me... I'm starting to draw more than usual! It's interesting, I used to draw about once every other day... But now it's going to like almost every hour or so! So ya. I'm starting to draw new things, and get creative and stuff. All from drawing with a pencil. I really... Well. I don't hate it, but I prefer not to color any work I do. I just draw with a pencil... I'm actually pretty good at coloring, it's just not that fun for me. Sometimes I can draw a rainbow or a picture with a marker(s). I don't know why. My art is usually just recycled or lost or something, I mean, I know I should like and respect my art, but I always know I can make a new one. Sometime I can make some of my best work, and I keep that, but I try not to treat it like a wallet or anything like that. I probably should treat it a little better, like have a folder or something. I don't know. So ya. I don't know why I started drawing a lot all of a sudden, I think it's because of my Tuesday choice hour. I have watercolor basics, and my teacher said to start drawing a fairy. Then we would watercolor it. So I started drawing with half cyborg fairy that was really ugly and really skinny. It was fun, but it wasn't the fairy I wanted to color. So I took it home and have been doodling on it and making it really detailed and drawing in the hallways and stuff. I think I got a little carried away.
Wednesday, May 21, 2014
ood Morning Jammers! I slept in a little today, so good thing I took pics yesterday!
It's a waterfall sprinkler. Cooling off with this new item will be fun! I love how it moves! You could literally just sit there and watch it in the shop all day!
Last day for the golden wattle! I'm not sure it loads, though. That's all it did on mine.
![]() |
Ohh, ahh! |
Clearence item in Appondale Conservation center!
I forogt to take a picture of it, but it's the panda hat like the one on the pic above that has red eyes and teeth.
Where do you think this is?
Loading Earth... It's actually pretty accurate! Every content is in the right place!
This is kind of disappointing...
Notice that came up!
Also, is the Forgotten Desert going to be....remembered?
![]() |
Looks like it could fit. But the big question is... will the adventure go away if this new world comes? |
Just thought that's an interesting idea to ponder.
Lastly, new comic.
Evan the Snow Leopard
I'm sorry but the Evan the Snow Leopard will be posted by nine.
Tuesday, May 20, 2014
Random Writing
I don't know why, but I can't think of anything to write. I started writing a poem, then deleted it and started writing this. I mean, nothing interesting is really happening lately. I'm just typing. I wish I had something to write about. Something interesting. Cool. Something fun to write about. Sometimes I sit and stare at the computer for fifteen minutes until I get a good idea. So I am thinking... and thinking... Come on! Argh... So ya. i am just typing. And typing. i guess good topics down really come up. I wish my life was more exciting. So I will sit here and type... I am watching my friend Ryan type, too. It looks like he is not writing about break anymore. I wonder what he is writing about. Oh... He is writing his literary essay on shark attacks. Ya I'll do my essay later. So ya. I need a good idea. I'm feeling like I can do it. Come on... Yes! Have you ever noticed how weird the desktop mouse is. It's just a two button oval with a circle for scrolling. There is a red light coming out of the bottom. It's windows XP, though. i really like Windows XP, the new ones are a little too complicated. So ya. -q1zx
Monday, May 19, 2014
I have a challenge. For a contest I have to draw this in cartoon. THIS:
Gosh, this is going to be hard. I wish it was an Arctic Wolf or something else... A snow leopard. This is going to be tricky, getting the the odd right and the head is just painful. I think I can do it though. I don't know when... Though. But I don't think I'm that good. I know I'm not bad, but... I'm just someone who sometimes doodles. My best is I can draw Garfield's face in less than two minutes. Anyway, I will try, but drawing a snow leopard. I've never before. I might have to color it, too. I'm not a good colorer, though. Just drawer. If I color something it usually messes it up. Oh well. So ya. The tail armor will be probably the hardest, or the legs, and then the leaf necklace and bracelets will be annoying. The head is a little hard, too. The pattern is annoying, too. So ya, i have to try, but I don't know how it will turn out.
Sunday, May 18, 2014
Geothermal System
Here are some pics of my family's geothermal system. The walls are very peeled because the house is so old.
Friday, May 16, 2014
Literary Essay
The story I am writing about is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's stone.
The main character in this story is Harry Potter.
Introduction: Have you ever felt the feeling like you are about to do something you're not really prepared for and you might die? Sometimes when unexpected things happen, this feeling can come. I assume that's what happened in the story Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J. K. Rowling, when Harry was about to play Quittich for the first time in his life.
The main character in this story is Harry Potter.
Introduction: Have you ever felt the feeling like you are about to do something you're not really prepared for and you might die? Sometimes when unexpected things happen, this feeling can come. I assume that's what happened in the story Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J. K. Rowling, when Harry was about to play Quittich for the first time in his life.
Thursday, May 15, 2014
Basketball and Something Cool
So today we had a lot of free time in scouts, and my friends Toure and Leo were playing basketball, and I watched and go a rebound. Then I shot and got one in. I soon joined in with my friend Ryan and we did two on two. It was interesting. I actually don't play basketball very often, maybe like twice or once a month with my brother on the driveway. And I actually did pretty good against Leo and Ryan. I didn't make every shot, but I actually hit the rim when I missed. I mean, I'm not bad. Toure is like a pro, and he complimented me. Leo's a master, too, like Toure, and Ryan's really good. And I actually didn't do bad. I actually won with Toure and made most of the shots. The other team was very close, though. I'm just surprised that I actually didn't fail. So ya. I'm not a pro, but I'm not bad.
Something cool... I have something that I'm thinking about... It's cool and creepy. If you are easily scared, DO NOT READ THIS GET OFF NOW. Anyway, so, two boys were playing around the new house the just moved in when they made a shocking discovery. Someone has been living in their house! This was in 2000... So they found a hidden entrance in the bookcase with some spiral stairs down to a room with toys and fresh candy wrappers and a banana peel. Someone has been living there coming and going as they please. OMG, that is scary. There is a key and so much stuff... Check it out at http://www.viralnova.com/creepy-door/ I think this is very creepy, that someone could be living in your house... Good luck sleeping tonight. This is really something that will probably bother me for the rest of the day. I found out about it on Saturday. Can't stop thinking about it. He he. But I can't live in fear of it so I will probably forget about it soon. So ya.
Wednesday, May 14, 2014
I got a pet on saturday for the first time in my life, well, not exactly a pet. Well, on Thursday my dad told me about an Eastern Market they have in Detroit every Saturday, and I said I would like to come. So I bought some money I had stored up, just little. (Sixteen Dollars.) And so I went here, and spent one dollar on buying some honey. (For one dollars you could get five straws filled with honey.) I saved three dollars and seventy five cents, donated nine dollars some people who were trying to get money, and spent two dollars and twenty five cents on a pet. I had always wanted a pet, but my dad is allergic to fur. Severely. And I was always afraid I would get depressed if the pet passed away. So I tried to by something that would live a long time that was alive. Ok, it's not exactly a pet, but it's something. It's a cactus. A small one. I have to water it every Friday and that's pretty much all I can do. It's really small, and actually doesn't hurt when you touch it. It's feel soft... I guess when it gets older it will get spikes or something. Anyway, my mom immediately named it Charlie, which I was a little disappointed by, but I didn't say anything. When I want to name something, and someone suggests a name, I have to go with it because it just comes into my mind and if I call it something else I seem bothered by it. Like when I went to the BCS Blast, I got a stuffed penguin. I probably would off gotten a different stuffed animal or something, but I was pressured to make a choice due to the time. So I got the penguin. Then my brother soon put Mike into my mind. So that's how he got named. Anyway, my new pet is only something I can talk too and water once a week. It is nice having something alive, but it's doesn't seem that alive. I could talk to a brick and water it and it would really make that big of a difference. So ya.
So ya I'm waiting for someone to post on their blog. When they do, they will tweet. Then they will notice something. That will come up he he. Anyway, I'm going to change the blog. Like the background and few things. So ya. And so I'm waiting. It's probably between six and nine, but you never know when that will come. And I am just typing. And typing. So ya I don't know what's going to happen but I'm positive the thing I've been talking about this week is today or tomorrow. So ya. I will post about it. And when it's over I hope it's positive... He he. So ya.
Literary essay begininng
Claim: in the story Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone by
J. K. Rowling, Harry Potter feels a little anxious about his Quittich match
against Slytherin. (Kind of long.)
Reason 1: Harry is about to play a sport he has never played
in his life with the fact you might die or get extremely injured during the
game and he realizes he feels a little nervous.
Reason 2: He’s playing against his enemy, Slytherin. If he
loses they will brag and it will be like losing a war.
Tuesday, May 13, 2014
Here are some mysteries I know that I are pretty good.
- Ok, there is a plane. Not an ordinary one. I bomber. An American bomber, flying in World War Two to bomb a city in Japan for bombing Pearl Harbor. The American pilot wants to drop two bombs down on to the village. He gets near the center of the village, and gets ready to press the button. Then he presses the button, the bay doors fall open, the bombs are released... But the bombs do not fall out of the plane to the city. How come?
- A man bought a LOT of coconuts for five dollars each. Then he sold them ALL for five dollars each. As a result of this he became a millionaire. How come?
- A horse is tied to a metal chain that he cannot break. The chain is forty feet long. There is a bale of hay ninety feet away. How can the horse get to the hay?
I know actually a handful of mysteries. So ya. That's that. So can you solve all of these? Any of these? Please comment something whether if you can solve all, one, two, or none of these. Thanks!
Monday, May 12, 2014
My day so ya
Wow... Today was actually a day nothing bad happened... That's good. Something usually happens. He he. But that happens to everyone. I have to go somewhere till eight... And then I have lots of homework. My math, gotta finish typing up some questions for science... (My computer died during class.) and this. I'm kind of down, because it's going to be stuck in my head till I do it and I can't do it till like eight thirty. Ugh. I go to bed kind of early and get up early to post on my other blog, so I don't know why I'm doing this. I guess I can finish it in the morning. Or multitask. I'm typing this during a early dinner. For once, this is a post with no code and off a certain topic I've been writing about for a little while. So ya. I like saying so ya. I don't know why, but that's something I put in a lots of writing. So ya. Lol.
Real Life Robots
I'm going to send it... Can't stand the curiosity, I'm pretty sure this person is not one, but if they are, I have to celebrate or something. Though I have to make sure because I'm not gullible and some people are pure EVIL. It will be coooooooooooooooooooooooooollllll if they are though, because that means they ahve a secret, and a really good reason for hiding it. I predict it will be no though. Oh well, I guess I would feel insulted if someone asked me if I was one. It depends the reason. I'm not even sure I'm human, I've never chopped off an arm to see. He he. That would be weird. So ya, I hope all goes well..
On Animal Jam I'm pretty sure I have found Rats124. They came up to me when I didn't even know them and started asking questions like, "How was your day?" and stuff. Then we friended each other and kind of played around. I felt like I knew this person in the real world. They also started doing riddles and mysteries, and this person is very logical. It was weird. I asked them their name and they said their mom didn't want them telling that stuff...
On Animal Jam I'm pretty sure I have found Rats124. They came up to me when I didn't even know them and started asking questions like, "How was your day?" and stuff. Then we friended each other and kind of played around. I felt like I knew this person in the real world. They also started doing riddles and mysteries, and this person is very logical. It was weird. I asked them their name and they said their mom didn't want them telling that stuff...
Sunday, May 11, 2014
Code Post
.yrros dna sknahT lmth.seimene/50/4102/moc.topsgolb.nitirwnoom//:ptth .siht daer os ,lla siht epyter ot tnaw t'nod I .em rehtob fi tel ot gniog ton m'I ,eno emoceb uoy fi tub ,ymene na tnaw t'nod I .oot naem eb dna syawllah eht ni diova tsuj uoy taht elpoep tsuj era seimenE .seimene gnivah ton referp I dna ,lufrewop si ssenevigroF .dam era uoy tcaf eht dna ,kO .kniht I ,terces ti gnipeek rof gninaem doog evah uoY .dlrow eht yortsed ot gniyrt era uoy sselnu gniht dab a ton si hcihw ,tobor a era uoy kniht I ,ay oS .oot ,elbixelf era uoy tub ,gnihtemos si tahT .thgiarts og neht sgel ruoy no selgna ˚09 htiw nur ot mees uoy ,oslA ...sdrow erom s'ereht neht dnA .suolubaf esu syad eseht elpoep tsoM .eno s'ehs t'nod I os ,reh rof evah I ecnedive fo eceip ylno eht s'taht tub ,streboR .srM yb ecno desu saw tahT .suolubatnaF .sesu eno on taht sdrow esu uoy ,gniht rehtona ,kO ...erus ton tub ,taht no gnorts ytterp m'I .kniht I ,oot ,hcir si ylimaf ruoY .hcir era uoy sisehtopyh a evah osla I dnA .egareva naht retrams er'uoy ,si tniop yM .trams saw tahT .obmil rof ecnad 6/5 eht ta eno ekiL .saedi eseht lla evah osla uoY .gnihtemos osla si hcihw ,llor ronoh eht no tog uoy dnA .skrow emag eht woh was uoy retfa dnah ruoy desiar nehT .ti od ot woh hguorht thguoht yletaidemmi uoy ).htam htiw od ot evah t'ndid yllaer taht dna emag htam a ti dellac eH( ,emag gep sih deyalp namlegnE .rM nehW .niarb lacigol yrev a evah uoY .tnecer tsom eht ton ,tsop thgir eht ot og yeht os ).gnitirw ym teewt ot tuoba saw I nehw ecno ti was I reklats a ton m'I( ,tsop tcaxe eht ot steewt ruoy no knil eht tup uoY .nosrep egareva eht naht retrams era uoy ,osla ,kO ).slliks gnipyt tneced evah osla uoY( .taht htiw pu htiw pu si gnihtemoS ...tub ,uoy saw taht tbuod I ?maJ laminA dnA ?421staR tuoba lla ta gnihtyna wonk uoy fi wonk ot tnaw tsuj I dnA .dlrow eritne elohw eht ni efil ereht ni smelborp sah enoyrevE .niap eht gnitteg loohcs eht ni eno ylno eht era yeht ekil leef dna ,smelborp sah loohcs eht ni enoyrevE .era uoy naht ffo esrow elpoep syawla era ereht ,wonk uoy os tsuj tuB .drah eb tsum tI .stnerap suoires yrev evah uoy kniht I .stneduts tseb sih fo eno er'uoy esuaceb s'ti ebyaM .ta delley gnitteg tuohtiw taht devivrus uoy woh wonk t'nod I .yad sa raelc sa neercs ruoy ees dluoc eh os ,ksed sih ot txen thgir tis uoY .su gnicaf tfarc enim gniyalp erew uoy dna ,ksed sih ot pu em dellac eoJ .rM .hcraM ni deciton I gnihtemos si sihT .ecnedive emos era ereh ,tsrif ,yawynA .ecaps ym gnipeek m'I tub ,hguoht ,grobyc a era uoy tbuod I .terces a peek nac I wonk I ,gnihtemos ro cinoib era uoy fI .melborp a s'taht ,egamad od ot gniyrt grobyc a era uoy fI .terces a ti peek ot nosaer a evah uoy ,era uoy fi tuB ).elbillug taht ton tsael tA( .elbillug ton m'I dnA .erus ton m'I ,yas ot evah I tuB .gniht dab a ton si taht ,eno era uoy fi yas ot tnaw osla I .namuh er'uoy foorp teg ro ti evorp I litnu uoy morf ti peek ylbaborp dluohs I demussa I os ,seimene dnats yllaer t'nac I ,yawynA .ti did eh yhw wonk t'nod I os ,oot did nadiA kniht I .dam eb dluow uoy wenk I ,pu semoc noitome hcae netfo woh ta gnikool dna ,em ta dam elpoep gnivah etah I .ecnedive elttil ylno tub ,sezisehtopyh fo hcnub a evah I )...gniknilb tub ,elims od uoy won wonk I( .delims ro ,deknilb reven uoy tsrif deciton I kniht I .4102 ,51 hcraM no si eno eb ytilibissop dluoc uoy deveileb tsrif I .dam tub ,dam ylemertxe ton ylbaborp si noitcaer ruoY .eurt si syas nosleN nadiA tahw taht yas ot ereh ma I ,toboR/namuH raeD
Friday, May 9, 2014
Wow... I have an enemy. I feel kind of weird. I've had someone mad at me, but never an actual enemy. I'm kind of confused. I'm not sure they are even my enemy yet. But it's seems I thought someone was something an now they are a little ticked off. Not enemies, I never actually knew this person, but now they are probably kind of mad at me. I don't know what to do, because I don't really like having enemies. If someone will be my enemy, I do know lots of mean things, but I don't want to be mean. I guess I'll explain myself. But I don't think I did anything wrong. I'm sure. I just thought someone was a robot, and started studying them... (Cyborgs might be about.) They know, and I don't mind, but enemies are something I want off my list. I have been stuck right in the middle though. One of my friend and I went to Queen de Marters (I think that's how you spell it.) to mess around on the play structure. One of my other friends came without warning, and apparently they are enemies at school. So I was stuck smack in the middle. It's no a fun thing. Anyway, if this person will become my enemy, I'm not going to let it bother me, because I have enough big problems and the small problems are just... there. I'm not going to be mean to that person, though, if they become my enemy. I'm just hoping they don't become one, though...
I've been prepared for questions though, and I'm not going to say this person is human unless there is proof. I have lots of evidence, and I think that today might be the day I find out. I might end up spilling up all the evidence, though. I don't want to become this person stalker/enemy. If I see anything interesting at school that might go towards it, that's something. But I'm not going to do like address, phone number, and know everything about them. Never. Anyway, I just want to say, for me, enemies are like a problem in the back of my head. Like you've had a big two week project you were supposed to be working on for two weeks and it's due today and you haven't done it. I can't stop thinking about someone who's my enemy. I've gotten one, but that was at a camp in Ohio, and I probably won't see that person again. But that person was mean. At least we don't have any bullies at this school, though. They are someone that just get in your way and give you avoidance skills. I know hiding form someone is NOT fun, because I play a game called animal jam, and scammer, (Someone who tricks you into giving them your items unfairly.) I know every hiding place in animal jam map, so I know how to hide, and avoiding someone at school everyday would NOT be fun.
I've been prepared for questions though, and I'm not going to say this person is human unless there is proof. I have lots of evidence, and I think that today might be the day I find out. I might end up spilling up all the evidence, though. I don't want to become this person stalker/enemy. If I see anything interesting at school that might go towards it, that's something. But I'm not going to do like address, phone number, and know everything about them. Never. Anyway, I just want to say, for me, enemies are like a problem in the back of my head. Like you've had a big two week project you were supposed to be working on for two weeks and it's due today and you haven't done it. I can't stop thinking about someone who's my enemy. I've gotten one, but that was at a camp in Ohio, and I probably won't see that person again. But that person was mean. At least we don't have any bullies at this school, though. They are someone that just get in your way and give you avoidance skills. I know hiding form someone is NOT fun, because I play a game called animal jam, and scammer, (Someone who tricks you into giving them your items unfairly.) I know every hiding place in animal jam map, so I know how to hide, and avoiding someone at school everyday would NOT be fun.
Animal Jam Jamaa Township.
I even have a blog where I post everyday about AJ.
Here is one from about a week ago.
So ya, I can prove I have been working on this, but I don't want to post it to the world.
If have it in hidden code on some posts.
So ya.
So I can avoid, but it will get annoying.
Anyway, I just want to go though life trying to have fun, and I have already enough problems, so ya, I have to get this over with. Hopefully the person ignores it. If they ignore me, that's ok. That's there problem with this. If we are in a group together that's will be hard. But now, hopefully they ignore me or do something that doesn't make them become my enemy. I know this person won't rub it in... but, still that chance of a new enemy is still there. So ya. I don't want to avoid a person and have every day of school be kind of a drag. So if they ignore, that's ok. If they become an enemy, I won't let them bother me. If they are mean... Marc has tought me a lot. I should be good. If they really are a robot, AWESOME. If a cyborg, I think that might be bad...
Zebu Oil
Do animals give oil? I know it sounds crazy.. But like could they make something like it? There has to be something... In abut 40 years the oil will be gone, maybe we could get it from something form animals! (Without harming them.) Maybe in their (Ew.) waste. Maybe we can make something like it as humans. But for animals, I think be could get it from Bears or Deer or Zebu without killing them. It would be weird though, like deer oil! Or Zebu oil! (Anagram.) Sounds weird.
Wednesday, May 7, 2014
Good luck charms! Do they exist? I thick the answer actually is yes. But it can be a person, place, or thing. Basically a noun. Person, if you have a person and you think about that person, and good things happen, that would be an example. But I would recommend thinking about the positive side of that person. Negative sides, like something they did, or a characteristic, or that they are evil, are not something I thick that would bring you good luck. A place, like a certain room or park or house that good things always seem to happen. That might be one. Real good luck charms are rare I think, though... A thing, that's the most common, like an object you can carry in your pocket wherever you go, or like a machine or something. I wish I got one, I think I did once but then I lost it... Anyway, I wish I did have one.
Ok, a key on the keyboard. Shift + three. That is a #. Originally a number sign. Not many people use it. Now a days it's sometimes a tic-tack-toe board but mostly a hashtag. The number sign is not really used anymore, like a forgotten key symbol. Nobody uses it has a number symbol. SO ya I'm going use it about twenty times here. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #. I think that's twenty. So remember the number symbol.
Emotions list! I'm going to make one right now just for typing.
:) = Smiley Face
:( = Frowny Face
:| = A normal face that expresses a facial expression I cannot type in words
:P = Face sticking out tongue
:o = WOW face.
;) = Wink smiley face
;( = Tear Frowny Face
:D = Big grin open mouth
XD = Squinty eyes and laughing mouth.
I'm beginning to draw a lot... Any drawing of something or someone or somewhere or something please comment! Thanks! - q1zx :) (I'll explain this tomorrow.)
Ok, a key on the keyboard. Shift + three. That is a #. Originally a number sign. Not many people use it. Now a days it's sometimes a tic-tack-toe board but mostly a hashtag. The number sign is not really used anymore, like a forgotten key symbol. Nobody uses it has a number symbol. SO ya I'm going use it about twenty times here. # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # # #. I think that's twenty. So remember the number symbol.
Emotions list! I'm going to make one right now just for typing.
:) = Smiley Face
:( = Frowny Face
:| = A normal face that expresses a facial expression I cannot type in words
:P = Face sticking out tongue
:o = WOW face.
;) = Wink smiley face
;( = Tear Frowny Face
:D = Big grin open mouth
XD = Squinty eyes and laughing mouth.
I'm beginning to draw a lot... Any drawing of something or someone or somewhere or something please comment! Thanks! - q1zx :) (I'll explain this tomorrow.)
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