This is crazy.
Today, I am going to start trying to do 5-minute writing. This was what I had to do for homework in 5th and 6th grade, and I was one of the few kids who actually did it. I loved it, and it kicked started my love for writing and ultimately YouTube.
Recently, I came across my old blog and just had this giant nostalgia fest. Every post I made by in 6th grade, nearly 10 years ago, is still there. The 5th grade writing was actually on a wiki which has since been deleted, but randomly, maybe 8th grade, I had the foresight to save all my writing in Google Docs just in case. And I'm glad I did. I have all of my 5th grade writing which has since been lost to time.
I miss blogging. I really, really miss it. I remember when I would get comments, and just do it daily, and it was just such a cool thing in my life. YouTube has been amazing, but it's never really replaced blogging. I love just writing my thoughts and then talking with people, and creating a space that people can rely on and look forward to each morning.
However, this will be different. I will be posting for myself. Although, maybe I'll share it with a few people. I would love to be in a club where we're all doing this, and we can all comment on eachother's blogs.
I was in my internship class today, and I realized that I haven't really written anything for 10 years. 5-minute writing kickstarted my love for writing, but I almost feel like I wrote more in 5th/6th grade than in high school. Something about it... I don't know. I wrote because it made me happy then, and shared what I wanted to share. I want to re-capture that.
My original Animal Jam blogs are a thing of the past. I can't go back... At least, not now. Maybe once I have more free time, but even then, it's just a trap, as I'll fall in love with everything all over again. Man, I want to do that again so badly.
This feels so natural. I'm typing this at 12:30 A.M. but it already feels nice. I'm writing again. And what's great is that... I'm not worried about how this looks to other people. I mean, I can tell I'm doing it a little bit, I'm not saying so yeah every 5 seconds. Eh, let me say it. So yeah.
I kind of wonder... Should I be posting this on my old blog? Maybe I should.
Okay, this has now been copy-pasted to Moonwriting on the Moon. Mannnnn... I can't believe I'm doing this. I'm thinking about all the people in my class... Audrey, Grace, Ian, Ryan, Leo, Sam, Corey, Iyana, Kevin, Kylee, Brenden... It feels weird bringing up a bunch of people but eh, who's watching?
The biggest thing that motivates me is seeing the posts fill up on blogger. Like, I love clicking the drop-down menu on a year and it shows the months, and there's tons of posts to look through.
This blog feels like the real me. I feel like I'm coming out lol.
To be honest, I'm a little embarrassed about some of the things on this blog, but I don't want to change a thing. Everyone has silly stuff, and I love what I did.
To be honest, I feel like... Really proud of myself. I got up at 6:00 A.M. for multiple months (I believe) back in 5th/6th grade and I would write and work. I did that all myself. I feel prouder of that than my YouTube channel.
So... Idk. I don't want to change anything on this blog, to be honest, but I might just to make it fancier. I'll document how it was in great detail so it never goes away.
Mannnnn... I really miss Animal Jam blogging. I really miss it. :( I might go make a post lol.
Have a great day. :)